Thru’ ceaseless introspection the soul becomes aware of itself. The world-spirt moves on, enlivened by out self-knowledge. For out of soul darkness, we can manifest the fruit of will, that issues from a sense of selfhood.

                            PO Box 135  Yallingup 6282 (08) 9755 2230 
                                                                                                      Issue 2       Week 7     Term 1      14th  March 2023

Upcoming Events Term 1

 Wednesday 15th March

  • Ice Cream Roster- Carmen F & Philipa K

Thursday 16th March


Friday 17th March


Tuesday 21st March

  • Autumn Equinox: In-house celebration.

 Wednesday 22nd March

  • Ice Cream Roster: Nikola P & Joanne D

Tuesday 28th March

  • Class 6 Sailing #1 

Wednesday 29th March

  • Ice cream Roster: Caitlin T & Mandy E

Friday 31st March

  • C1-C6 Excursion to BREC to see Peter & the Wolf (More information to follow)


Wednesday 5th April

  • Ice Cream Roster: Rebecca B & Rikki W
  • C6 Sailing #2

Thursday 6th April 

  • Last day of term-full day


Dear families,                       

A change of season is upon us and the work of the teachers anticipates and meets the vigorous energy that accompanies the impulse of Bunnuru and Autumn days.

Preparations for a small festival of St. Michael and all things dragons are at hand for Tuesday next week. The children will share in a day of combined activities across the year levels and build and celebrate their interclass relationships.

It was my pleasure to search within yesterday’s autumn mist for a seasonal dragon story to bring to the children at the assembly. There is nothing quite like the open faces of children beholding a creative offering that comes from the threefold awareness within which we work as Steiner teachers. This awareness being of inspiration, imagination and intuition. These three inform our work and help us to consider the giving and receiving of knowledge and experience whilst working with and for our students.

A simple story told from the heart is something anyone can freely offer a child and I encourage everyone to play with their imaginations and have fun with their children in this way. With practise you can craft your stories to deliver home truths and encourage virtuous behaviour’s or just generate some healthy laughter before bed.

It is my pleasure also, to inform you this week of the reappointment of our treasured colleague Rae-Lee Searle. Beginning in Term 2. Rae-Lee will present classroom music to the children and share her wealth of experience, thus enhancing their educational experience.

Thank you to everyone who has contributed so generously to the smooth running of Term One. We have had so many voices expressing appreciation for the educational environment, which includes the warm and friendly community of parents and carers helping us to provide learning and support to all.

Best Wishes,


Education Facilitator.

School Tour

C2 Parent Meetings

Class 2 interviews will now be held from Week 8 (until Wk.10 if necessary). 

A letter outlining dates and times have been emailed to all Class 2 parents/guardians. 

Parent Library

The YSS Parent Library is a FREE resource, available to all families.

Located in the front office, parents have access to books relating to the following categories:



Arts & Craft

Poems & Stories

Health & Nutrition / Home & Garden

Spirituality & Culture

There is no limit to the number of books you can take out, simply follow the checkout and return steps below and enjoy your chosen book/s for up to 4 weeks.

Checking Out:

  • Remove and fill out book card with date, name, and phone number.
  • Place book card in card holder located on bookshelf.
  • Enjoy book/s for up to 4 weeks.


  • Remove book card from card holder on bookshelf.
  • Fill out the return date.
  • Return card to book.
  • Return book to the appropriate category on shelf.

Any overdue books, you will receive a friendly reminder via text message/e-mail.

Please contact the YSS Parents Librarian if you would like to donate any new books, or if any books appear damaged, require new stickers or cards.

Kind Regards,

Kaylee Oberg  YSS Volunteer Parent Librarian – 0450 875 449

YSS Parent Library: Book Review


Book Tittle: Waldorf Education – A Family Guide

Edited By: Pamela Johnson Fenner and Karen L. Rivers

Waldorf Education – A family Guide, is a great easy read for parents, explaining the history, philosophy, curriculum, and traditions of the unique Waldorf education. The book is divided into six main chapters: An Overview of Waldorf Education, Moving Through the Grades, What About…..?, Family Life and Waldorf Education and Celebrating Through the Year.

This reader particularly enjoyed the chapter, Moving Through the Grades. It describes the nature of each classroom’s experience, as a child moves from Kindergarten to the upper Primary and beyond. As you read you will discover the weaving of an amazing tapestry of integrated academic skills, each building on the one before.

The Family Life and Waldorf Education chapter, offers many suggestions on how parents might bridge school and home life. Thus further enhancing a child’s Waldorf experience.

Celebrations Through the Year, is a fascinating chapter explaining the history of festivals and the way Waldorf schools incorporate some of these.

“These festivals, which have come down to us from the past, had their source in an ancient wisdom, a spiritual knowledge of man and nature. In the modern world they have, to a far reaching extent, lost their substance. They have become matters of tradition, habit, economics, at best mere sentimentality; but rightly understood, rightly celebrated the festivals can become a source of healing for the individual and society, a harmonizing, community building power.”

“Through living with the festivals and seasons we can learn to sense the breath and pulse of the cosmos. We can learn to experience ourselves in the world, the world in us.”

(Page 144 – J. F. Wornal. Waldorf Education – A Family Guide)

Overall, this reader would recommend Waldorf Education – A family Guide, as it is a good foundation source not just for new families but also a great refresher, for those more familiar with Waldorf education.

Crafting with Victoria

Class 5 is ploughing ahead with their beautiful felt elephants. Some of the children have finished all the sewing and stuffing with wool, and are looking forward to next week when they get to add decorations and festival-wear to their animals. They have all embraced this project with enthusiasm, even cutting their outside playtime short to continue their sewing! I am most impressed with their work, and can’t wait to show you the final result of a whole herd of Indian elephants ready for the Jaipur Elephant festival!

Class 1 is progressing well with their felting projects, creating beautiful rainbow flowers and ocean-coloured crystal pouches.

Class 2 finished theirs last week, and proudly got to take them all home. Our next project is making some felt finger puppets to complement the fables which are one of the foci in Class 2.  

Fruit Ice Cream Day Information

The ice cream volunteer roster  commences on Wednesday 8th Feb and goes for 9 weeks.

Please arrive at school by 12.15pm to allow time to set-up the table, ice-cream machine, cones & fruit, before eager children arrive at 12:45 pm

As well as giving our children a healthy treat made with 100% fruit, this is a fantastic fundraiser for our school, so I thank you all in advance for your time & effort in making this successful.

P&F request all families to fill out the form available via SchoolStream and return it to the office by the start of term.

The cost of an Ice-cream per term is $25 for primary school students & $20 for Kindy 5/6 students. (K4 students are not charged.)

The ice cream/soup payment form is available on SchoolStream.

Please contact Alice Leavy 0419 956 576 should you not be able to make your commitment to this roster. 

Community Notices (Please note – the events and views in these Community Notices are not sponsored by YSS and do not necessarily reflect the views of the School.)

The Coffee Cabin

My name is Dale, I am the owner of Two Cracks Coffee. I’m excited to let you all know that The Coffee Cabin @ Yallingup Galleries is now up and running again.

Our opening times are from 7am-1pm every day.

Be sure to call in on your way past. We have loyalty cards available with every 6th coffee free.

Hope to meet you and serve you with a delicious coffee!

SECA -Community Support Request

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We are now accepting enrolments for our 2025 Kindergarten program for 5-year-olds.