I feel my inborn forces bearing fruit And grow stronger as I turn me to the world; I feel my inner being-rising with strength to clarity- Turn to the weaving of life’s destiny.
PO Box 135 Yallingup 6282 (08) 9755 2230 www.yss.wa.edu.au
Issue 5 Week 4 Term 2 16th May 2023
Upcoming Events Term 2
Monday 15th May
- Class 5&6 Leave for camp at Contos
- Class 2&3 Bush Walking
Tuesday 16th May
- C3 Fair Harvest Excursion
- YSS AGM 6pm School Hall
Wednesday 17th May
- Soup Day
- Class 5&6 return from Camp
Friday 19th May
- K6 & C1 Bush Walking
Monday 22nd May
- Class 2&3 Bush Walking
Wednesday 24th May
- Class 4&5 Bushwalking
- Soup Day
- K6 Meeting 5:30pm
Friday 26th May
- K6 and C1 Bush Walking
Monday 29th May
- Class 2&3 Bush Walking
- Class 6 Bushwalking
Wednesday 31st May
- Class 4&5 Bush Walking
- Soup Day
Friday 2nd June
- K6 & C1 Bush Walking
Monday 5th June
Wednesday 7th June
- Class 4&5 Bushwalking
- Soup Day
Friday 9th June
- K6 and C1 Bush Walking
Monday 12th June
- Class 2&3 Bush Walking
Wednesday 14th June
- Class 4&5 Bushwalking
- Soup Day
Friday 16th June
- K6 and C1 Bush Walking
Monday 19th June
- Class 2&3 Bush Walking
Wednesday 21st June
- Winter Solstice Festival: Pupil Free Day with evening attendance for students.
Friday 23rd June
- K6 and C1 Bush Walking
- Last day of term 2 Full day
Term 2 Week 4
Dear families,
This week we welcome Julie Vivian-Williams back on Tuesdays, for Eurythmy classes. She is beautifully accompanied on the piano by Anna Bogacheva. It was very exciting to fit the Class One students with their special shoes this morning and watch them enter the music filled hall with such open faces.
Our Japanese language lessons with Michelle Gabelich are also off to a great start and students are already using greetings they have learned in the playground.
It is somewhat quiet today with Class 3 farming and Gardening at Fair Harvest and Classes 5 and 6 away camping at Conto’s. How very lucky we are to have access to such rich educational experiences outside of the school grounds. Thank you to teachers and volunteers for supporting the students’ learning in this capacity.
Last weekend I had the pleasure of travelling to Tarremah Steiner School in Hobart, to attend the Steiner Education Australia Governance, Leadership and Management Conference.
This year’s keynote lectures and workshops explored a myriad of topics, including, child safety and wellbeing, financial sustainability and administrative relationships, future directions for Steiner Education, diversity and inclusion, collective leadership and Steiner’s model of Threefold Social Order and strategic planning. The opportunity to build relationships with national colleagues and to explore current research and practice is invaluable for informing our work here in the South-West.
Tonight, we host the Annual General Meeting at 6pm and hope to see as many members of the association in attendance as possible. We offer our sincere thanks to all Board members for their service in the past twelve months.
Warm Regards,
Education Facilitator
The Annual General Meeting of
Yallingup Steiner School Association Incorporated
is to be held at 6PM on Tuesday 16th May 2023
via Zoom from Yallingup Steiner School.
Zoom meeting.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 881 8197 7935
Passcode: 512347
Class Two
The Class Two children have begun the term, full of joy and enthusiasm as they entered the final component of our ‘Times Tables’ block. Over the past few weeks, we have been exploring the times tables, with a focus on our ten-point multiplication circles and the geometric patterns that can be found within them. The children were able to visually represent these patterns that are created when numbers are multiplied by the same factor.
We explored this through mat work, number stories, learning how to draw the tricky 10-point circle, chalkboard drawings, group wool pattern work, and through working with multiplication flowers and games. One of highlights of this block involved watching some of the children dance in the middle of a sun pattern that the class had created with wool.
The beauty of this work lies within how children – together – form their understandings of multiplication by seeing, creating and connecting beautiful patterns that inform their number sentences. This work will be deepened as we move towards understanding the relationships of division patterns that can be found within the petals of our multiplication flowers.
The class two children embroidered lavender eye masks for mothers day.
Blessed are the Soup Makers ! Soup Day Information
Primary Years- Soup Roster Term 2
The primary school Soup Day will commence on Wednesday 26th April. Yallingup Wood Fired Bread will once again be donating their delicious & nutritious bread. The bread along with butter will be at the school kitchen on the morning of soup day.
Soups are required to be made in the school kitchen so please come to school with time to prepare, cook & serve your soup -Lunch is served at 12:45 pm for all primary classes. Please cook enough soup to feed around 40 hungry children (10 litres-around 45 cups) this is important as we have had days when we have run out of soup. The P&F kitchen is fully equipped so you will not need to bring anything other than your fresh ingredients. Please remember to confer with your ‘soup buddy’ to make sure that one person prepares a vegetarian & gluten/dairy free soup. If you are unable to prepare & cook the soup on the day, you can come in the day before to do it & leave it in the fridge, but please ensure you leave enough time to come in on the day to reheat, serve your soup and to cut up and butter the bread. *BOTH SOUPS ARE REQUIRED TO BE FREE OF PEANUT’S and BRAZIL NUTS*
We have found that it is helpful after you have done your soup roster to call the parent next on the list, giving them a friendly reminder that they are on the roster the following week.
If you are unable to make your rostered day, please make arrangements ahead of time to swap with someone else on the roster or another parent in the school. Please inform Alice Leavy of any changes on 0419 956 576
Soup costs $2.50 per child per week; No money will be taken on the day. If you haven’t already returned the payment form (available on school stream or from the school office) please do so as soon as possible.
As well as giving our children a delicious warm hearty meal, this is a fantastic fundraiser for our school, the P&F thank you all ahead of time, for your time spent & generosity in making this fundraiser successful.
Remember when paying online please clearly state the full name of your child and the words ice-cream/soup and please only use the P&F Bank account.
-YSS P&F Association BSB: 633-000 ACC: 146802558