To feel what has been harboured long, Now quickening in my hidden life. As newly risen sense of self; It shall, awakening pour forth cosmic forces. Into the outer actions of my life And, in becoming, mould me into true existence.

Upcoming Events Term 2

Monday 29th May

  • Class 2&3 Bush Walking
  • Class 6 Bushwalking
  • Class 3 Parent Meeting 5:30pm   

Wednesday 31st May

  • Class 4&5 Bush Walking
  • Soup Day

Friday 2nd June

  • K6 & C1 Bush Walking

Monday 5th June


Wednesday 7th June

  • Class 4&5 Bushwalking
  • Soup Day

Friday 9th June

  • K6 and C1 Bush Walking

Monday 12th June

  • Class 2&3 Bush Walking
  • Class 5 Parent Teacher Meeting 3:30pm

Wednesday 14th June

  • Class 4&5 Bushwalking
  • Soup Day

Friday 16th June

  • K6 and C1 Bush Walking

Monday 19th June

  • Class 2&3 Bush Walking

Wednesday 21st June

  • Winter Solstice Festival: Pupil Free Day with evening attendance for students. 

Friday 23rd June

  • K6 and C1 Bush Walking 
  • Last day of term 2 Full day


This week we would like to profile our wonderful bus drivers, who are so very important in the chain of support for our students.

As caretakers of the children’s safety between home and school we aim to support their role as drivers by encouraging our passengers to bring their best understanding of etiquette, co-operation and respect on board each day.

Please take the time to encourage your children to have something to quietly amuse themselves while on the bus if they are travelling for longer distances. A book or a magnetic game board can be helpful for passing the time.

It is so important that the drivers can give their full attention to the road, so as a staff we encourage students to observe the same Code of Conduct we would expect at school.

Each bus company holds Duty of Care for the children while they are travelling but we must all assist the children to understand the safety protocols for travel.

Please remind your children:

  • They must stay seated at all times with their seat belts on.
  • To keep their voices low.
  • To face the front of the bus and keep conversation quietly amongst the people next to them.

For further information please visit :,speak%20quietly%20and%20do%20not

Thank you for supporting our treasured drivers in their much-valued work.

YSS Staff


Dear Association members,

Thank you for participating in the YSS Inc 2023 AGM, held at the School with remote access. More than 25% of the association members were present and the meeting proceeded with quorum (39 attendees).

The College, Business Manager, P&F, and Board, delivered the Annual reports for the period of 2022. The outgoing Board report the school remains prosperous, consolidating a responsible approach to growth.

The motion to endorse an updated Constitution was carried with consensus from the association. The YSS Inc Constitution can be accessed online here.

Many thanks to the outgoing Board members for their contributions during the 2022-23 period. With special thanks to Annie Malcom, and Anna Smart, for their long service to the Board.

The association elected the 2023-24 Board:

Graeme Davies – Treasurer
Michael Smart – Secretary
Brooke Thomas
Brendan La Mar
Kaylee O’Berg
Rae-lee Searle
Ruth Bolton
Jacqueline Morris – Ex-Officio
Jane Huxley – Ex-Officio

Michael Smart

Secretary of the Board

Yallingup Steiner School (Inc.)

Please find a poem from Catherine Reid that encapsulates the feelings of the report that College submitted to the AGM. 

Hope I carry into every deed,

Hope in the core of our being, brings us to this place,

of love and rigour, of learning and grace.

We strive together, we hope, hand in hand,

For rising virtues from the sky and the land.

To weave a wisdom from children and old,

To create the warmth, and to withstand the cold.

Together we form our college heart,

From truth and beauty, from nature and art.

To belong with the children,

To bring into being,

Spirit and kindness,

Souls for the seeing.

                                                                                                         By Catherine Reid 

Konnichi Wa Steiner Community

My name is Michelle Gabelich and I am the new Language Teacher. 

I am very happy to be sharing the Japanese Culture and Language with your children.

I spent 6 1/2 years living in Japan in the early 90’s, soaking up the culture whilst teaching English. On my return to Australia, amidst marriage and children I taught Japanese at a variety of schools, to adults and in small, intimate classes over the years. 

I also have a long association with YSS as both my girls attended at various times as well as teaching Music here for a short stint.

I am so looking forward to our year discovering the beauty and uniqueness of many things Japanese.

Yoroshiku onegaishimasu!

Class 3 Farming Main Lesson

To capture the essence of our Farming Main Lesson, Class 3 twice visited Fair Harvest, a permaculture farm in Margaret River. Here we participated in regenerative farm practices to experience how animals (and their poo!), plants, soil and renewable resources can be integrated in sustainable farming. Many thanks to the wonderful Farm leader, Jodie Lane, for facilitating our adventures and demonstrating the connections we as individuals and community hold as caretakers of the earth.  Back at school, the efforts of the Class 3children are paying off as we witness (and measure) or vegetable garden, which is humming. Many thanks to all parent helpers, and the favourable weather!  

From these practical experiences we are forming more sophisticated understandings of the role of the sun, wind and rain, and how healthy soil contributes vastly to a farmer’s wealth. Many of us have been inspired to reflect upon what we eat, where it comes from and where it goes. We have planned, questioned and problem-solved to consider the changes over the seasons and the working together of many people to produce goods. Our hand-drawn maps demonstrate a growing spatial awareness, and our exploration of measurement from using one’s body to standard units receives practical application. The 8-9 year old now more consciously experiences the skills one can gain to yield crop, fibre and animal products in harmony with the earth. This nourishes their sense of trust and unfolding independence. 

Kind regards


Class 3 Farming with Sally

It has been a joy working with Class 3 on Wednesday mornings and bringing the curriculum alive for them during their main lesson experience.

Together we have explored the world of cooking and grains, delving into the history of trade and the processes used to bring our food to the table. Using song and storytelling the children have engaged in puppet shows and retelling to access the much needed skills for new and growing vocabulary for their own writing.

Through artistic work we have gathered the pictures of our archetypal virtues for working the land, bringing together the elements of the sun, the wind, rain and the earth.

Holding the children in this creative space has allowed us to then integrate our learning in mathematics to introduce the children to weight and capacity. We have enjoyed many rich and rewarding moments, from cleaning and carding wool, enjoying the warmth of warm porridge on a wet day, to popping corn and weighing and comparing grains using old and traditional methods. 

Our work will continue to end of the term as we return to the comfort of our work with wool where the children will continue to card, clean, wash and prepare the wool for natural dying. 

Thankyou to Lisa and the children for welcoming me so warmly back into my role.

With love and light

Sally and the Children x 

Class 5&6 Contos Camp

Classes Five and Six enjoyed a wonderful camp at Contos in week 4 with Erin, Paul and Andrew. We were blessed with the most amazing clear warm Djeran days for walking the Cape to Cape track from Prevelly to Contos over two days.


Djeran is traditionally a time to make sure our fires are lit to give us warmth and our Mia Mias (homes) are in good shape to conquer the rain ahead. The Class Five and Six children worked collaboratively in small groups to set up our Mia Mias (tents) and prepare all the meals for the three days. Andrew taught us all to make fire using ancient techniques, an amazing experience for both the children and the adults on camp!

The camp provided plenty of experiences to enrich and expand on the Class Five and Six curriculum, as we walked through the geological formations of the coast, listened to the story of the rescue of the Georgette while on the Redgate Beach, observed the local plant life and went on an amazing night walk that allowed us to truly see the stars without any ambient light and spot the Dark Emu and other constellations in a clear, dark night sky.

A massive thank you to our camp helpers: Pepper, Jess, Shanai, Alice, Michael, Peter, Ales, Chris, Sheridan, Elise and Sarah.

Blessed are the Soup Makers ! Soup Day Information

Primary Years- Soup Roster Term 2

The primary school Soup Day will commence on Wednesday 26th April. Yallingup Wood Fired Bread will once again be donating their delicious & nutritious bread. The bread along with butter will be at the school kitchen on the morning of soup day.  

Soups are required to be made in the school kitchen so please come to school with time to prepare, cook & serve your soup -Lunch is served at 12:45 pm for all primary classes. Please cook enough soup to feed around 40 hungry children (10 litres-around 45 cups) this is important as we have had days when we have run out of soup. The P&F kitchen is fully equipped so you will not need to bring anything other than your fresh ingredients. Please remember to confer with your ‘soup buddy’ to make sure that one person prepares a vegetarian & gluten/dairy free soup. If you are unable to prepare & cook the soup on the day, you can come in the day before to do it & leave it in the fridge, but please ensure you leave enough time to come in on the day to reheat, serve your soup and to cut up and butter the bread. *BOTH SOUPS ARE REQUIRED TO BE FREE OF PEANUT’S and BRAZIL NUTS*

We have found that it is helpful after you have done your soup roster to call the parent next on the list, giving them a friendly reminder that they are on the roster the following week.

If you are unable to make your rostered day, please make arrangements ahead of time to swap with someone else on the roster or another parent in the school. Please inform Alice Leavy of any changes on 0419 956 576

Soup costs $2.50 per child per week; No money will be taken on the day. If you haven’t already returned the payment form (available on school stream or from the school office) please do so as soon as possible.   

As well as giving our children a delicious warm hearty meal, this is a fantastic fundraiser for our school, the P&F thank you all ahead of time, for your time spent & generosity in making this fundraiser successful.

Remember when paying online please clearly state the full name of your child and the words ice-cream/soup and please only use the P&F Bank account.

-YSS P&F Association BSB: 633-000 ACC: 146802558   

Community Notices

(Please note – the events and views in these Community Notices are not sponsored by YSS and do not necessarily reflect the views of the School.)

The official publication date for Dr. Blanning’s new book on sleep is coming, JUNE 6th, 2023… available at and Noble (also available as an e-book)

Read below for information about a celebratory three-part online workshop to explore key aspects of the book!

Join us for a three-part, in-depth exploration of three key aspects from the book. This workshop is designed for parents, teachers and anyone else interested in supporting the well-being and self-soothing capacities of children (and adults).

Participate in the live discussion, or watch it on your own schedule—all three sessions will be recorded and made available to everyone who has registered for the workshop.

Session One: Wednesday, June 7th, 2023

Why the Developmental Milestones of Self-soothing are so Important in Today’s Busy World

Session Two: Wednesday, June 14th, 2023

Nourishing the Senses of Touch, Balance, Self-movement, and Life (Well-being)

Session Three: Wednesday, June 21st, 2023

The Predictable Developmental Transitions of Childhood—Common Times for Reorientation 

WHEN: Workshop sessions take place at 6:30pm Mountain time (8:30pm EST/7:30 CST/5:30 PST/4:30pm AKST/12:30pm NZT (next day), 10:30am AET (next day)

TUITION: $65 for the whole workshop—three 90-minute sessions

SPECIAL NOTE: here is a discount code for patients in Dr. Blanning’s practice to save $20 on registration(expires May 31st, 2023). You are welcome to share it with friends and family too… enter SOUNDSLEEP$20where is says “Redeem Coupon”

Registration and more information can be found: HERE

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We are now accepting enrolments for our 2025 Kindergarten program for 5-year-olds.