Joy in becoming of world existence Uncovering its strength, Unbinding all its powers, Speaks to the human I: "I bear in you my life Freed from the enchanter's spell, And so reach my true goal."

Upcoming Events Term 3

Wednesday 13th September

  • NO Bush Walking Classes 4 & 5 
  • Soup Roster:  Ness B & Kane P

Thursday 14th September

  • Class 5 travel to Perth for Greek Olympics.

Friday 15th September

  • Bush Walking Classes K6 & C1 
  • Class 5 Greek Olympics

Monday 18th September


Tuesday 19th September


Wednesday 20th September

  • Spring Festival
  •  End of Term HALF DAY 12 noon

Spring Festival

See where the bee with busy wings
Home to the hive with sweets does bring
She gathers from the flowers of Spring

Dear Parents,

In honour of all the blossoms this time of year, and our hardworking pollinators, please join us in welcoming the spring season Wednesday September 20th from 10:45 – 12:00.

Bring a blanket and join your child’s class group as each work to prepare a native bee hotel, in which to attract native bees to our gardens and to yours!

Kindergarten families will be sent further information regarding the day from the Early Childhood teachers.

The members of P&F will be busy in the kitchen preparing and serving sweets to share as we all gather together to celebrate the mystery and marvel of this special time of year.

Festivities will conclude with a buzz as we all sojourn into school holiday time. If you are attending the celebration and wishing to depart from the school with your children, please be timely with your communication and let your teachers know. Otherwise, students will follow their regular bus routines home for a 12:00 noon finish.

10:45 – 11:30                    Students gather in class groups on the oval and busy themselves making bee hotels to take home or gift to the school. Parents welcome to participate.

11:15 – 11:30                      Kindergarten parents gather at their child’s classroom for a story.

11:30 – 11:45                     Kindergarten groups join the primary classes for a Spring song and the sharing of a sweet made by the bees.

11:45                                    Kindergarten children are led out to the buses, followed by primary students.

11:50                                    Remaining parents and students depart at teacher’s discretion.

Wishing you a wonderful start to Spring!


The College of Teachers


We have enjoyed a very cosy Makuru and Djilba season, with lots of warming activities such as bread baking, wax modelling and sewing. We are currently finishing off the little Djilba Spring puppets that we started a few weeks ago,  and parents are so proud of their achievements. Some parents never get the chance to make a toy for their child from scratch, and often think that it’s something that is just too hard to manage. But they are pleasantly surprised when they experience how enjoyable it can be to engage in a meditative activity such as sewing, and how easily they can create something beautiful. It is a great encouragement for parents to undertake more projects, and it’s especially important for the children to see their parents make something for them with their own hands. It is a little bit of magic when we put our energy into creating something beautiful, whether it’s a nourishing meal, a little garden or a Handwork project. 

A big hoorray, by the way, for those dads who found themselves armed with needle and thread at Playgroup, and put us all to shame with their fantastic, fast and neat stitching! They all enjoy this activity, and I have heard many mums say that any button sewing at home is their husband’s speciality.

As the year draws to a close (well, almost) we all marvel at how quickly the Playgroup terms are flying by…  A gentle reminder to please encourage any relatives or friends who would like to join Playgroup to contact the school in time for next year, and be added to our waiting list. We currently have five mornings per week, with full groups. There will be some spots coming up for next year, but we currently have a lot of younger children in the groups who will be continuing. So please get an application form in, and we hope to welcome you to Carbunup Playgroup soon xxxx. Love from Victoria and Mindy 

Class 1 Handwork

In Term 3 we have finished off the little woven baskets, and progressed to sewing up some tiny felt chicks to add to these…. although in some cases the chicks were bigger than the nest! The children are honing their fine motor skills with these detailed projects, and while this may be a challenge for some, most children approached the work with great enthusiasm and determination. 

We have now started a new sewing project in the form of making a little pumpkin baby with a flannelette body, a simple head and a leaf hat. These will be ready to view on our upcoming Open Day, just after the October holidays, when they join the proud display of the children’s Handwork.

Class 2 Handwork

This term has seen the finishing off of several projects such as finger puppets and caterpillars, as well as the starting of a new one. We have begun knitting a small woollen chick, after rolling the wool yarn into small balls.  I always delight in the helpfulness extended from one proficient child in this class to another who may need some help with casting on, casting off, or starting a new row. 

We have also enjoyed plenty of bread baking, and making the Gingerbread men for Father’s Day. It is always heartwarming to see the fine detail that the children add to their work; their fine motor skills and dedication to each project makes it a joy to be with this group.    Victoria xxxx

Class 5 Handwork

Class 5 have been working steadily to finish their beautiful elephants, in between other projects and activities such as bread – and pizza baking, board game afternoons, and a mini cross stitch project. Many have also finished their tiny baby elephants, which will be on display with their parent elephants at our Open Day on Saturday 15 October. Friday afternoons are always such a fun way to finish the week and spend some time with this lively group of children xxxx

We Walk the Path - a poem by Cat Reid

We Walk the Path

We walk the path, on stones and on sand
We smell the breeze, we feel the land
The orchids arise as Spring hovers near
We rejoice the warmth, the skies of blue clear
At school we have strived and had struggle too
We bend and we stretch with growing to do
But we keep to the path, with grit and with pace
We walk not alone, but together, with grace
And as sure as the moon and as bold as the sun
We all are connected,  we are all as One

Catherine Reid

Blessed are the Soup Makers ! Soup Day Information

The primary school Soup Day will commence on Wednesday 19th July.  Yallingup Wood Fired Bread will once again be donating their delicious & nutritious bread. The bread along with butter will be at the school kitchen on the morning of soup day.  

Soups are required to be made in the school kitchen so please come to school with time to prepare, cook & serve your soup -Lunch is served at 12:45 pm for all primary classes. Please cook enough soup to feed around 40 hungry children (10 litres-around 45 cups) this is important as we have had days when we have run out of soup. The P&F kitchen is fully equipped so you will not need to bring anything other than your fresh ingredients. Please remember to confer with your ‘soup buddy’ to make sure that one person prepares a vegetarian & gluten/dairy free soup. If you are unable to prepare & cook the soup on the day, you can come in the day before to do it & leave it in the fridge, but please ensure you leave enough time to come in on the day to reheat, serve your soup and to cut up and butter the bread. *BOTH SOUPS ARE REQUIRED TO BE FREE OF PEANUT’S and BRAZIL NUTS*

We have found that it is helpful after you have done your soup roster to call the parent next on the list, giving them a friendly reminder that they are on the roster the following week.

If you are unable to make your rostered day, please make arrangements ahead of time to swap with someone else on the roster or another parent in the school. Please inform Alice Leavy of any changes on 0419 956 576

Soup costs $2.50 per child per week; No money will be taken on the day. If you haven’t already returned the payment form (available on school stream or from the school office) please do so as soon as possible.   

As well as giving our children a delicious warm hearty meal, this is a fantastic fundraiser for our school, the P&F thank you all ahead of time, for your time spent & generosity in making this fundraiser successful.

Remember when paying online please clearly state the full name of your child and the words ice-cream/soup and please only use the P&F Bank account.

-YSS P&F Association BSB: 633-000 ACC: 146802558   

Community Notices

(Please note – the events and views in these Community Notices are not sponsored by YSS and do not necessarily reflect the views of the School.)


Primary school

Enrolments are now open for VacSwim swimming lessons during the summer school holidays. VacSwim offers fun lessons at beach or pool locations. They are a great school holiday activity and they teach valuable safety skills to help keep your child safe in the water.

Enrol at

Secondary school

If your child has turned 14 years old, or will be turning 14 years in the same calendar year of the course, you can enrol them in VacSwim so they can get their Bronze Medallion during the summer school holidays. They’ll learn advanced survival, rescue and resuscitation skills to help keep them and others safe in the water.

Enrol now at

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We are now accepting enrolments for our 2025 Kindergarten program for 5-year-olds.