I feel a strange power bearing fruit Whose strength bestows myself on me; I sense the seed maturing, Light-filled anticipation weaving Within me to make selfhood strong.

Upcoming Events Term 1

Monday 19th February

  • Interm Swimming  C1-C6

Tuesday 20th February

  • Interm Swimming  C1-C6
  • Class 4 Parent meeting cancelled due to extreme fire risk. 

Wednesday 21st February

  • Interm Swimming  C1-C6
  • Ice Cream Roster  Jodie C

Thursday 22nd February

  • Interm Swimming  C1-C6

Friday 23rd February

  • Interm Swimming  C1-C6 last day.

Monday 26th February


Tuesday 27th February


Wednesday 28th February

  • Heather W & Salinda H

Thursday 29th February

  • Class 2 Parent Meeting 5:30pm 

Friday 1st March

  • C6 Sailing Excursion.

Monday 4th March

  • Labour Day Public Holiday 

Tuesday 5th March

  • C6 leave for Sailing Camp

Wednesday 6th March

  • Ice Cream Roster Karin V A & Gaia B

Thursday 7th March  


Friday 8th March

  • Class 6 return from  Sailing Camp.

Monday 11th March


Tuesday 12th March


Wednesday 13th March

  • Ice cream Roster Victoria D’E & Sharlee M

Thursday 14th March  


Friday 15th March


Monday 18th March


Tuesday 19th March


Wednesday 20th March

  • Ice Cream Roster Serena L & Caitlin T

Thursday 21st March  


Friday 22nd March


Monday 25th March


Tuesday 26th March


Wednesday 27th March

  • Ice Cream Roster Rosette T & Maree B

Thursday 28th March  

  •  Last day of Term 1  – Full day.

Term 1 week 4

Dear Families,

                        Swimming lessons have brought welcome repose to the children during these continued hot days. It is such a nice way to start the year, having the children immersed in the beautiful waters of Geographe Bay, upping their skills and appreciating the magic of where they live in the company of their friends.


Today we are on high fire alert due to the succession of Extreme FDR’s from DFES. We are forever grateful to the emergency services for their active communication and prioritization of schools and children.

On Thursday evening the College of teachers welcomed Andy Thompson to our weekly meeting, to discuss our Bushfire readiness planning and to provide insight into current regional conditions. Andy is the Area Officer for Geographe and the Lower South-West Region. This is a position not for the faint hearted and at this time of the year, a very busy one. We are very grateful to Andy personally, for affording us his time to assist us.


I would like to use this space to remind everyone again, of the importance of having a bushfire readiness plan, no matter whether you reside on a bush block or in a suburban home. We are all surrounded by the beautiful bushland environment, which is at times subject to fire.


DFES bushfire prevention and preparation advice is available at: https://www.dfes.wa.gov.au/bushfire/prepare/


Kind Regards,


2024 Tuition Fees Payments

A big thank you to all of our families who have been able to pay their fees up front or get onto payment plans early.  Please be advised that the 5% early payment discount deadline for fees paid in full is Thursday 29th February 2024.  If you would like to pay your fees in full before the due date and are not sure of the new payment amount required, please email me directly businessmanager@yss.wa.edu.au.  Likewise if you would like to instigate a payment plan to have all fees paid by the end of the school year and are unsure of this process, please email me.

Hope everyone is having a wonderful start to the 2024 School year.  It’s been really lovely welcoming everybody back.  Thank you again for your continued support in payment of your children’s tuition fees.

Jane Huxley

Business Manager

School Bus Guidelines

In an effort to maintain appropriate behaviour on the school busses please refer to the School Bus Services Behaviour Management Guidelines


Staff and YSS will always endeavour to support school bus contractors who maintain duty of care of students when in transit.

Alumni Congratulations

Our wholehearted congratulations to alumni Imogen Freeman, (daughter of teacher Charlie in the Rainbow Room) for taking out the 2023 Junior Rider of the Year.  

Class 2 News

Students retain an urge to experience the world with a “magical” content, hence their enjoyment of stories where magical possibilities resound. The stories of the Celtic tradition in particular display a blend of the everyday realities of the natural world into which the growing child is now moving, along with a joy in the sudden emergence of a transcendent reality.

Students continue to bring a creative response to the learning experience through the writing and illustrating of their own books: they continue to build a bank of sight words, continue to master a variety of simple phonic patterns through word families, and between the combination of these twin processes students begin to develop word attack skills (Steiner Education Australia, 2024).

The Earth Shapers, from the Celtic Wonder Tales, are wonderful, inspiring mythological stories of the creation of Ireland.  Through these stories, students practice listening, retelling and re-enacting, drawing, writing and reading.  Most importantly, these stories give students the opportunity to imagine and create pictures.


Class 6 Ancient Rome

In Class Six, we have been immersed in the world of Ancient Rome for these past three weeks. The students have been eagerly designing and painting their own Roman shields in between reading and writing about the rise of the Roman civilisation and working on their projects on Roman Technology and Inventions. Here they are busy at work in our homely new classroom, the Heritage Room.

Fruit Ice Cream Roster

The ice cream roster commences on Wednesday 7th Feb and goes for 8 weeks.

Please arrive at school by 12.15pm to allow time to set-up the table, ice-cream machine, cones & fruit, before eager children arrive at 12:45 pm

As well as giving our children a healthy treat made with 100% fruit, this is a fantastic fundraiser for our school, so I thank you all in advance for your time & effort in making this successful. 

P&F request all families to fill out the form and return it to the office by the start of term.

The cost of an Ice-cream is $2.50 for primary school students & $2 for Kindy 5/6 students. (K4 students are not charged.)

The ice cream/soup payment form is available on SchoolStream.  

Please contact Shanai Williams 0410 498 377 should you not be able to make your commitment to this roster.

Primary students will not be partaking in icecream on 21.02.24 due to swimming. .

Community Notices

(Please note – the events and views in these Community Notices are not sponsored by YSS and do not necessarily reflect the views of the School.)

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We are now accepting enrolments for our 2025 Kindergarten program for 5-year-olds.