
YSS Newsletter 2024 Term 3 Week 7

Class 1 have focused on Nyitting Stories – stories from the Dreaming. We have listened to, retold, illustrated, composed and written key sentences from Dreaming stories from Wadandi Boodjar, Whadjuk Noongar Boodjar and further afield. The children have been deeply engaged with these complex stories which gently impart moral and ethical wisdom as well as deep understandings of the land.

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YSS Newsletter 2024 Term 3 Week 5

Class 1 have focused on Nyitting Stories – stories from the Dreaming. We have listened to, retold, illustrated, composed and written key sentences from Dreaming stories from Wadandi Boodjar, Whadjuk Noongar Boodjar and further afield. The children have been deeply engaged with these complex stories which gently impart moral and ethical wisdom as well as deep understandings of the land.

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YSS Newsletter 2024 Term 3 Week 3

The students in Class 2 have been practising how the fluid world of colour movement is awakened through Wet on Wet painting.  We have been inspired by the colours and forms that are found around us at this time of the year.

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YSS Newsletter 2024 Term 2 Week 6

This edition features natural beauty with the Aurora Australis and crescent moon, enriching an outdoor education program, visits from an indigenous author, and preparations for a winter festival focused on fostering positivity and connection among students.

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We are now accepting enrolments for our 2025 Kindergarten program for 5-year-olds.