In deepest, winter darkness, The soul’s impulse is to reveal its own strength; To lead on into darkness, And, with forethought feel, through heart’s warmth, The senses’ revelation
- Issue 8 • Week 1 • Term 3
- 19th July 2023
Upcoming Events Term 3
Monday 17th July
- Bush Walking Classes 2 & 3
Tuesday 18th July
Wednesday 19th July
- Bush Walking Classes 4 & 5
- Soup Roster: Phili K & Jess G
Thursday 20th July
Friday 21st July
- Bush Walking Classes K6 & C1
Monday 24th July
- Bush Walking Classes 2 & 3
Tuesday 25th July
- Class 2 Meeting in Hall 3:30 – 4:30 pm
Wednesday 26th July
- Bush Walking Classes 4 & 5
- Soup Roster: Dylan M & Rikki W.
Thursday 27th July
Friday 28th July
- Bush Walking Classes K6 & C1
Monday 31st July
- Bush Walking Classes 2 & 3
Tuesday 1st August
Wednesday 2nd August
- Bush Walking Classes 4 & 5
- Soup Roster: Sheridan H & Skye T
Thursday 3rd August
- Incursion: Spare Parts Puppet Theatre: Blueback
Friday 4th August
- Bush Walking Classes K6 & C1
- Excursion C2-C6 BREC
Monday 7th August
- Bush Walking Classes 2 & 3
Tuesday 8th August
Wednesday 9th August
- Bush Walking Classes 4 & 5
- Soup Roster: Nikola P & Leona H
Thursday 10th August
Friday 11th August
- Bush Walking Classes K6 & C1
Monday 14th July
- Bush Walking Classes 2 & 3
Tuesday 15th August
Wednesday 16th August
- Bush Walking Classes 4 & 5
- Soup Roster: Roddy D & Claire C
Thursday 17th August
Friday 18th August
- Bush Walking Classes K6 & C1
Welcome back to Term 3
Welcome back everyone!
We hope that you have enjoyed the winter break and are ready for all that Term Three may hold.
Reflecting on this week’s verse from Steiner’s Calendar of the Soul, we remind ourselves that despite the outward moments of dark and gloom represented in the prevailing weather that the seasonal opportunity is to draw upon the immense light and optimism available to us from within ourselves.
As we build positivity and resilience into students’ experience throughout their days, weeks and years with us, we are conscious that this is the creation of such availability in their future lives.
In deepest winter darkness
The soul’s strong impulse
Is to reveal its own strength,
To lead on into darkness
And with forethought feel
Through heart’s warmth, the sense revelation.
In another rendition of this consideration, for children, the verse reads;
When winter wraps a mantle dark and drear
Around the world beyond my own warm hearth,
Then am I called to rise and conquer fear,
And bravely meet this darkness in my path.
My light each day, in brightness is increasing.
Its glow of warmth reveals the stir of life.
The light stream of my heart is never ceasing.
And so, I’m strong, come grief or pain or strife.
Whatever your child’s challenges may be, small or large, this is a time for encouragement and support of efforts, however small, that are often unconsciously made to overcome their insecurities. Thinking is not the operative for success in this instance, rather we recognise the space where the heart and soul meet with one another to build capacity. This can be an experience for the child of comfortable inner readiness or of significant tumult.
Overanalysing behaviours is sometimes not as beneficial as quietly noticing, perhaps with a nod of acceptance and the provision of a clear pathway, supported and directed by you as a parent. Quiet celebration of the small and simple achievements can come in many forms, a warm hug, an apple pie or some extra bedtime story time.
As a staff we are certainly celebrating the opportunity to return to the opportunity to work with your children, classroom doors open wide!
Warm Regards,
National Principles for Child Safety
Dear Parents and Carers,
During our weekly meetings, both as a college and for faculty, much of our time includes discussion and collaborative work around the nature of our roles and responsibilities as teachers and staff within the school. These allow us to remain up to date with current standards, to explore our strengths and our areas for improvement. These sessions are always vibrant, engaging and very worthwhile for the spiritual and practical holding of our school and our community.
We are currently working through the ‘National Principles for Child Safety’. I am attaching a link for any of those interested in understanding the further depths of our roles within the school.
National Principles | Child Safe Organisations (
Sally Upchurch
On behalf of the College of Teachers and the Communications working group.
School Fees
Term 3 school fees are due should you be paying by term.
Thank you.
Attendance and Absenteeism
Regular, punctual attendance gives the children security and rhythm. Please think carefully when arranging holidays or absences from school to minimize disruption to your child’s education.
- Please provide the teacher and the office advance notice of any planned absences in writing.
- As all student absences must be recorded, we ask parents and carers to School Stream or email the office by 9:30 am with a brief reason for your child’s absence.
- Any student movement throughout the school day must be recorded at the front office before a student leaves the premises or upon late arrival. This ensures safety of students and others should there be an emergency.
Welcome Chelsea
Some of you may have noticed a new face in the Office. Chelsea Hardy has joined us as our Payroll Officer.
Chelsea comes to us as a born and bred local having lived in the South West most of her life. She has two little boys and is excited to join our wonderful office team.
Please make her feel welcome.
Adopt-a-Spot Program
Our Classes 3, 4, 5 and 6 have been involved in the Adopt-a-Spot program through Nature Conservation Margaret River. This year, we have been given the opportunity to work to rehabilitate a very special site: the Aquarium. We were joined by volunteers from Yallingup LCDC to lay down peppermint tree brushings to prevent erosion and then planted pig face cuttings in between. While the weather was wet and windy, the children still took to the work with energy and enthusiasm. The team were blown away with the efforts of the children and commended them for doing more work in a few hours than adult volunteers usually do in a day! Later this term, the classes will have a school visit from a Wadandi custodian to hear about our special site and why the work we do caring for Country is so valuable.
Blessed are the Soup Makers ! Soup Day Information
Primary Years- Soup Roster Term 3
The primary school Soup Day will commence on Wednesday 19th July. Yallingup Wood Fired Bread will once again be donating their delicious & nutritious bread. The bread along with butter will be at the school kitchen on the morning of soup day.
Soups are required to be made in the school kitchen so please come to school with time to prepare, cook & serve your soup -Lunch is served at 12:45 pm for all primary classes. Please cook enough soup to feed around 40 hungry children (10 litres-around 45 cups) this is important as we have had days when we have run out of soup. The P&F kitchen is fully equipped so you will not need to bring anything other than your fresh ingredients. Please remember to confer with your ‘soup buddy’ to make sure that one person prepares a vegetarian & gluten/dairy free soup. If you are unable to prepare & cook the soup on the day, you can come in the day before to do it & leave it in the fridge, but please ensure you leave enough time to come in on the day to reheat, serve your soup and to cut up and butter the bread. *BOTH SOUPS ARE REQUIRED TO BE FREE OF PEANUT’S and BRAZIL NUTS*
We have found that it is helpful after you have done your soup roster to call the parent next on the list, giving them a friendly reminder that they are on the roster the following week.
If you are unable to make your rostered day, please make arrangements ahead of time to swap with someone else on the roster or another parent in the school. Please inform Alice Leavy of any changes on 0419 956 576
Soup costs $2.50 per child per week; No money will be taken on the day. If you haven’t already returned the payment form (available on school stream or from the school office) please do so as soon as possible.
As well as giving our children a delicious warm hearty meal, this is a fantastic fundraiser for our school, the P&F thank you all ahead of time, for your time spent & generosity in making this fundraiser successful.
Remember when paying online please clearly state the full name of your child and the words ice-cream/soup and please only use the P&F Bank account.
YSS P&F Association BSB: 633-000 ACC: 146802558
Community Notices
(Please note – the events and views in these Community Notices are not sponsored by YSS and do not necessarily reflect the views of the School.)
Donnelly River 2023
It’s that time of year again!
This October 20th – 22nd we, as the Steiner community holiday together at Donnelly River Village – an old milling settlement. Approx. 1 1/2hrs from YSS – please see their website for cabin layout & directions etc. For those with young children – it’s not actually near water!
This is a fantastic community weekend – equally enjoyed by children & adults. For new families check out the website and talk to veterans of previous years to gain insight to the place and event – a Steiner community annual highlight.
Most cabins sleep 8 – so if you’d prefer to choose your own roommates, keep this in mind. Otherwise, I will allocate cabins closer to the date.
If you do nominate a preference with whom you wish to share, I will try to put you together, but it is not always possible. Due to cabin layouts, it is difficult to accommodate every family’s preference – but it usually works out.
If you do nominate a preference with whom you wish to share, make sure that they have also booked and please make sure they have nominated your family as well. If 2 families have nominated each other, I will do my best to put you together. NB Your nomination does not confirm a booking for that family, and they may miss out if they don’t make their own submission.
Cost is $65 per person for the 2 nights (i.e.: family of 4 is $260, family of 6 is $390) babies in cots are free.
This is a popular weekend and space is limited. Please register your interest ASAP and your cabin space is guaranteed once payment is received.
Booking Process:
- Email Peter Freeman for queries and bookings
- Pete’s Email:
- State your First and Last name, number of beds required and a contact phone number
- Nominate your preference, if any, for sharing – (make sure you use the correct Surname that will be used for that family’s booking, so I can check that they have booked – also ensure they have nominated your family as well)
- Please have your booking and payment complete no later than 31st August.
Payments to:
- Acc Name: YSS P&F Assoc
- BSB: 633 000
- A/C: 146802558
- IMPORTANT – reference both your surname and ‘DR’ on the deposit please (DR = Donnelly River)
To make it fair, bookings will be awarded on first come first served basis, so please book early to avoid disappointment. And bookings can only be made by email, so that I have a record of when the booking was received.
Very sadly, this is my last year as a parent at the Steiner School, so to keep this great tradition going, we need a volunteer to take over the organising next year. So please contact me if you are interested and I can explain the process. I’m also happy to help next year to ensure a smooth handover.
Kind regards
Pete x