The power of the senses grows In union with the gods’ creation, And vigour of thought subsides To a dreamlike drowsiness. When godly being wills Union with my soul, Then thinking must accept In quietness in the state of dream.
- Issue 16 • Week 8 • Term 4
- 29th November 2023
Upcoming Events Term 4
Monday 27th November
- C4,5 & 6 Surfing
Tuesday 28th November
Wednesday 29th November
- Ice Cream Roster: Candy D & Susy O’H
Thursday 30th November
Friday 1st Dec
- C2 Excursion to Busselton Jetty
Monday 4th December
- C4,5 & 6 Surfing
Tuesday 5th December
- Class One Play 2pm
Wednesday 6th December
- Ice Cream Roster: Elise H & Rebecca B
- Class One Play 10am
Thursday 7th December
- Class 6 Graduation 6:30-8pm (more details to follow)
Friday 8th December
- C5 perform The Singing Forest, a performance for parents in the Hall at 9am, followed by shared morning tea.
Monday 11th December
- C6 Family lunch Gracetown 10am-2:30pm
- K6 Parent Meeting 1:30pm.
Tuesday 12th December
- K6 Graduation 9:15 am for K6 families only.
- Farewell picnic 10am for all kindergarten families – Last day of term for all kindergarten students 12 noon finish.
Wednesday 13th December
- Leap of Faith C1-6 Canal Rocks 9:30- 12 noon & school community gathering 2:45pm- info on SchoolStream
- End of Term 4 full day attendance.
Week 8
There is a mood of anticipation and preparation as all December dawns.
We contemplate the majesty of the natural world.
We arrive at deeper understandings of our place amongst the stars.
We celebrate knowing that Solstice and Christmas draw near.
Advent is enjoyed as a four-week festival. Each week space is created to appreciate nature and to marvel at her greatness. Moving through all four kingdoms as the weeks pass, brings us in closer relationship with the greater universe and our place in it together.
Please enjoy working with the weekly reflections below beginning 3rd of December and shine your light out bright.
The first light of Advent
Is the light of Stones
Stones that live in crystals
In seashells and bones.
The second light of Advent
Is the light of Plants
Plants that reach up to the sun
And in the breezes dance.
The third light of Advent
Is the light of Beasts
The light of hope that we may see
In greatest and in least.
The fourth light of Advent
Is the light of humankind
The light of love, the light of thought
To give and understand
Bushfire Ready
Dear Families,
Ruth here, educating people about fire is something I am dedicated to, and I would like to share a recent message sent from Matt Muir our Captain/ Fire Control Officer at Yallingup Rural Volunteer Bushfire Brigade to every property owner who is a part of a Bushfire Ready Group.
The hot weather and strong winds this week offer a sneak peek at what El Niño will bring in the coming season. With these changes in weather patterns, it is highly possible (as happened a few weeks ago) that bushfires in our district will be actioned straight to Emergency Warning. Make no mistake, this is not a drill, if an Emergency Warning is called you must leave immediately if it safe to do so. There is no extra step, there was no warning, it is time to action YOUR response.
It is important to note that these emergency warnings are actioned by the Officer in Charge on the fireground, they notify DFES and the emergency warnings are issued through Emergency WA.
This is where your Bushfire Plan will come into play. If you have a Bushfire Plan you will have already mapped out the safest routes, you will know who to contact and where you can go, your kids will know to go home from school with a nominated friend, you will have a plan for your pets, and you will be better prepared to leave quickly minimising the danger. It’s a 15 minute exercise but you’ll be glad you did it when you need it.
I cannot overstate the importance of staying informed this summer. Simple actions can help save lives.
– Make a Bushfire Plan
– Know the Fire Danger Rating for the day
– Know what to do during a Watch and Act and Emergency
– Know where to get your information from in an emergency (ABC radio and www.emergency.wa.gov.au)
As part of your local Emergency Responders, we are working hard and training hard in preparation for the bushfire season, now it’s your turn to help us help you.
We are one big team working to keep our beautiful community, that we love so much, safe and protected and we rely on you all to support us in this by actioning the information above.
Matt Muir
Captain/ Fire Control Officer
Yallingup Rural Volunteer Bushfire Brigade
In early November, Dunsborough held the first state Community Bushfire Emergency Training week which Jacqui, Jane H and I attended several workshops. This was a week of various bushfire-related activities such as a BurnSmart Workshops, Street Meet, Community Group Meetings, School preparedness, and a Community Bushfire Expo at Lions Park. This showcased all the agencies that mobilise during a major bushfire event. This was an opportunity to chat with DFES, local Volunteer Bushfire Brigades, the SES, DBCA, the City of Busselton and more as they respond to a training scenario of a major bushfire event in Dunsborough.
This was an excellent opportunity to see the teams in action, learn about bushfire preparations and review our own bushfire plan. This review is now ongoing.
As part of the Emergency Management Team at YSS this is what our working procedure looks like:
We prepare by knowing the fire danger rating.
Alerts and warnings come through on the Emergency WA website and actively engaging with this information can keep you safe.
Listening to ABC radio
Alerts on Alert2Me or BushfireIQ apps
We prepare by taking the time to make a plan.
Communication and consultation, regarding our bushfire procedures, is ongoing. With scheduled fire drills, a crucial part of fire preparedness, and professional development opportunities planned with our DFES representative, Andy Thompson, in the coming weeks and months ahead.
Our current Bushfire stand alone emergency management plan needs a few changes after our recent professional development. This document is currently available on the school website.
If you would like more detailed information about our bushfire readiness, please schedule a time with the office and I would be more than happy to meet with you.
Be informed, be prepared.
Ruth Bolton
Class Teacher
Bushfire Ready Facilitator
Volunteer Fire Fighter
K6 Parent Meeting
A meeting in the YSS hall has been scheduled for Monday 11th of December at 1:30pm for all K6 families. More information has been emailed.
K6 Graduation & K4,5,6 Farewell Picnic
The K6 Graduation will take place on Tuesday 12th December at 9:15 am. This is for K6 families only.
The Farewell picnic will commence after the graduation at around 10am, this is for all kindergarten families and the last day of term for all kindergarten students. Please look out for an email with more detailed information.
Plants for Sale
Plants from the spring fair are for sale in the carpark by the hall.
Large pots $10 sml pots $2
Please come to the office to pay.
Class 1 News
The students have been enjoying working with different stories throughout the term. Some of these were about Happy Addy, Moira Minus, Tamara Times and Duke Demi Divide who all lived in the Land of Plenty. These characters and their stories guided the students to discover the art of adding, taking away, multiplying and divide.
Over the months, the children have been strengthening their knitting skills. By the end of the year, we have many knitted recorder bags, hens, roosters and even some sheep.
We finished the term with a Nature Stories main lesson. Through stories we explored some of nature’s cycles as well as practicing writing, reading and discovering some high frequency words.
Class 2 Saintly Lives
We will not find the inner strength to evolve to a higher level if we do not inwardly
develop this profound feeling that there is something higher than ourselves.’
~ Rudolf Steiner
Class Two have recently worked with the saints as one of our final lesson blocks. The children have listened to stories of people from varying cultures and backgrounds who showed great care and unconditional love for others, often with a commitment to a divine light or spark within that guided them on their journeys of trials, overcoming obstacles, joy and wonderment.
St Francis was one of the timely stars of the classroom. It was wonderful to see the children considering his gift of diplomacy, mutual understanding, and love as well as learning and singing his moving prayer of peace.
Exploring saintly lives and those who are living today with these qualities (and some with no particular religious affiliation), allows for a seed of inner strength to be planted and one that children can later recall and draw upon throughout life. Even if they do not recall the lessons, a feeling towards the seed’s spiritual essence through their later chosen spiritual path has the potential to develop.
One of the highlights of this teaching block was the class discussions and prayers the children brought in from home, from a range of cultures and faiths. I was amazed at the depth of understanding from this group of students. When I asked the question of what prayer might mean to people who pray, there were many insightful answers, with one girl profoundly stating that ‘It is a deep singing in the heart’.
Class 3 Market Day
What a brilliant success our ‘Market Day’ was!
With all our learning coming together in one real life experiece. Well done to all the children for their hardwork, collaberation and joyful nature.
It has been such a pleasure to spend the year with Class 3 !
With love Sally and the children.
Fruit Ice Cream Roster
Term4 2023
The ice cream roster commences on Wednesday 11th Oct and goes for 9 weeks.
Please arrive at school by 12.15pm to allow time to set-up the table, ice-cream machine, cones & fruit, before eager children arrive at 12:45 pm
As well as giving our children a healthy treat made with 100% fruit, this is a fantastic fundraiser for our school, so I thank you all in advance for your time & effort in making this successful.
P&F request all families to fill out the form and return it to the office by the start of term.
The cost of an Ice-cream is $2.50 for primary school students & $2 for Kindy 5/6 students. (K4 students are not charged.)
The ice cream/soup payment form is available on SchoolStream.
Please contact Alice Leavy 0419 956 576 should you not be able to make your commitment to this roster.
Community Notices
(Please note – the events and views in these Community Notices are not sponsored by YSS and do not necessarily reflect the views of the School.)