A rose of pure white blooms in midnight’s dark hour. The spell of the darkness is broken and torn. In my heart there’s a bursting of magical power For the heavenly Child of earth has been born! He is a pure as the snow. With my heart’s love aglow I shall nourish this Child, and he surely shall grow!

Upcoming Events Term 2

Monday 17th June

  • C3&4 Bushwalking

Tuesday 18th June

  • Complimentary Yoga  5:30pm-6:30pm in Hall
  • Rainbow Room Kindergarten Winter Festival Celebrations 9am

Wednesday 19th June

  • Rainbow/Dolphin Room Kindergarten Winter Festival Celebrations 9am
  • Soup Day: Skye & Lauren 
  • C5&6 Bushwalking

Thursday 20th June

  • Dolphin Room Kindergarten Winter Festival Celebrations 9am 

Friday 21th June

  • PUPIL FREE DAY for Winter Festival evening attendance. 
  • Last Day of Term 2.  

Term 2 Week 10: Winter Festival Program

Dear all,

Please be reminded, this year’s Winter festival on Friday 21st June is a Pupil Free day in order that the staff may prepare the grounds for the evening’s proceedings. We look forward to seeing you and your children at this special hour (5:00pm) with any additional family members most welcome to attend. If you are bringing younger children to the festival please keep them under your close supervision. Children are not to be playing on the playground during the evening.

The program is as follows:

            5:00 to 5:15  Arrive at school

  • Primary School Children go straight to their classrooms.
  • Parents gather in front of the Hall.

            5.15    Welcome in the hall

  • Parents welcomed into the hall with a performance from Class Six.
  • A Winter Festival greeting from Jacqui will follow.

            5:30  Winter Solstice Song from students

  • Parents to enjoy from hall veranda.

            5:35    Lantern Walk

  • Students are led in a procession by teachers and remain with their classes.
  • Families follow behind the student cohort.

           Our walking song is ‘Evening Rise’.

             6:15    Exit the Spiral

  • Students gather with teachers around designated fire pits in the car park area.
  • Parents proceed to the exit by the kitchen where a delicious family treat awaits pick up.

           Our exit song is ‘Good Night, Stars Our Light’.

           6:15 to 6:30  Goodnight and Goodbye

  • Families collect children from teachers and drive safely home.
  • Apple treats to be warmed up and enjoyed together as you drift into the school holiday break.

It is important to take the quiet and introspective mood of the festival with you. In keeping with this request, please refrain from using your devices. Photos will be taken by Jane and shared on our newsletter for all to enjoy.

The students are encouraged to contemplate that which they would like to take into the new year and to reflect on the year gone by.

The design of the spiral walk allows first for the letting go of the old and then on reaching the central light to begin projecting the new.

We warmly anticipate your company on Friday evening.


The College of Teachers

P&F Complimentary Yoga and Sound Healing

The last yoga and sound healing of the term will be taking place again this evening Tuesday 18 th June. Please contact the office should you like to put your name down. 

Dolphin Room

The Kindergarten have been holding their Winter Spiral in the morning, a gentle introduction to the Festival that is a highlight within the greater school community. The children have enjoyed sharing songs they have learnt with Rae-Lee on her weekly visits.

The K6 group have been enjoying their first term of walking with Cape to Cape Explorers.  Week by week the walks have lengthened in distance and the children have shown their strength and stamina. They have risen to the challenge with enthusiasm.

Class 3

Class Three have had the wonderfully practical and rich opportunity of deepening their biodynamic gardening experience on the Cassisi farm with Tony and Claire Cassisi and Sebastian Kendrew. In class, The children firstly explored the nature of compost and what constitutes ‘good soil’ as well as considering what a plant needs to grow. Working with Tony and Sebastián brought the component of experience to these understandings and allowed for the children to gain firsthand knowledge of the world around them.  The children diligently constructed their own raised garden beds, building them up with layers  of cardboard, sticks and soil and composted material before actively engaging with the construction of irrigation pipes. It was a joy to behold their anticipation and sense of wonder both before and after the water arrived through these pipes for the first time. Even though the rain fell heavily on our final visit for the term, we managed to plant our first seeds and seedlings.  It has been a pleasure to read of the children’s experiences in their journals and to witness the budding cultivation of perceptions that are rooted in practical knowledge.

Class 3 Honey Fundraiser

Honey is now jarred and available for Class 3’s Fundraising – only 50 jars remaining so first in best dressed!  Please email Jennie on jennie@hgemchanical.com.au for orders and details.

Class 6 Cafe


As we near the end of the term, the Class Six students have been working incredibly hard towards their Winter Festival offering next Friday evening. We can’t wait to share our performance with you at the Festival. 

The children have also been working hard on their Friday morning Cafe selling hot chocolate, chai and teas to the students before school. Their efforts this term have raised over $170 for their chosen charity, AccordWest, to help those experiencing homelessness. They are an industrious bunch and should be very proud of their efforts! 

Soup Day Roster

Community Notices

(Please note – the events and views in these Community Notices are not sponsored by YSS and do not necessarily reflect the views of the School.)

Parents can learn more or book their kids in at the link below:

Kids School Holiday Workshops at Commonage Pottery – Happs Wines & Commonage Pottery


Rest and Restore

Winter Deep Rest

Winter can be a time to get cosy, enjoy quiet time, reflect, but also a time for nuturing selfcare, rest and healing.

This Winter U-YOGA is offering restorative yoga & yoga Nidra sessions, which are beautiful gentle practices of deep rest and healing.

Classes are held monthly Sunday afternoon.

For more information, dates and bookings visit


Or email me at 


Busselton Dental Mobile


Phone: 0417 269 232        Email: Busseltonmobile@health.wa.gov.au

The mobile dental therapy centre (DTC) will be moving to Dunsborough Primary School as part of its rotation around the area.

For emergency advice, 8:30am – 3.30pm weekdays, contact 0417 269 232 and leave a message if staff are unable to answer your call.

For emergency advice outside of these hours please contact your family dentist or the emergency advice line 1800 098818

Students in pre-primary and new students have been offered enrolment with the service. Please return completed forms as soon as possible. Appointments will be arranged for examinations and those with outstanding treatment and patients waitlisted for an examination will be offered appointments when we have appointments available. There is no need to contact us unless you require emergency advice. We will contact you when your child comes to the top of the recall waitlist.

High schoolers will be offered appointments at Mill Road DTC at Busselton Hospital site when they get to the top of recall waitlist.


  • Brush 2x a day and Floss 1 x daily
  • Help your child each night to remove all plaque before bed.
  • Use a pea sized amount of adult toothpaste once the adult teeth start erupting behind the baby molars at approximately 5-7yrs old. Encourage your child to spit out and not swallow or eat the toothpaste.
  • Spit don’t rinse following brushing.
  • When thirsty drink water, no juices, energy, soft drinks or other products.
  • Reduce sugars. It’s everywhere!! Lollies, biscuits, muesli bars, sauces, and drinks. Have an allocated “Treat time/day .” Saves saying no. Try “Yes but on………”
  • Consider a visit to your family dentist, if able, from age 2 years old on a regular basis. You may be eligible for $1037 over 2yrs with the Child Dental Benefits Scheme, if you have family tax A or a concession card. Check your Medicare account on MyGov for eligibility. Check your family dentist accepts the scheme and how it works with them.

If you have any concerns or queries email us at Busseltonmobile@health.wa.gov.au

The Dental Team

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We are now accepting enrolments for our 2025 Kindergarten program for 5-year-olds.