From the deepest part of my heart, I hear The voice that must be heard, The mighty-sounding Word: “Let light within you, bright and clear, In thoughts and actions, shine. Then will you truly be a child of mine.”

Upcoming Events Term 2

Monday 3rd June


Tuesday 4th June

  • Complimentary Yoga  5:30pm-6:30pm in Hall

Wednesday 5th June

  • C3 Gardening Excursion
  • Soup Day: Danae & Pepper
  • C5&6 Bushwalking

Thursday 6th June

  •  Winter Festival Meeting aimed at kindergarten, new parents and those interested in finding out more about why and how we celebrate the middle of winter. 6 pm Dolphin Room

Friday 7th June

  • C1,2 and K6  Bushwalking

Monday 10th June

  • C3 Bushwalking
  • C4,5&6 Adopt-a-Spot
  • Primary incursion: Spare Parts Puppet Theatre pm

Tuesday 11th June

  • Complimentary Yoga  5:30pm-6:30pm in Hall

Wednesday 12th June

  • C3 Gardening Excursion
  • Soup Day: Juliette & Olivia 
  • C5&6 Bushwalking
  • Class One Teacher Parent Meeting 5:30pm 

Thursday 13th June


Friday 14th June

  • C1,2 and K6  Bushwalking

Monday 17th June

  • C3&4 Bushwalking

Tuesday 18th June

  • Complimentary Yoga  5:30pm-6:30pm in Hall

Wednesday 19th June

  • Soup Day: Skye & Lauren 
  • C5&6 Bushwalking

Thursday 20th June


Friday 21th June

  • PUPIL FREE DAY for Winter Festival evening attendance. 
  • Last Day of Term 2.  

Term 2 Week 8

Dear Families,

                            The school feels like a hive of activity, as the children are busy designing and constructing their winter lanterns and learning new seasonal songs for our upcoming festival. It is a special time of the year that brings an opportunity for introspection and the coming of the winter rains supports this effort, as we are naturally drawn indoors to the comfort of a cosy blanket, some warm soup or a good book.

A new solstice story for the children is growing within me and I look forward to sharing it with the children over the next couple of weeks.


The term is rapidly drawing to a close and teachers have been reflecting on the semester of work, student engagement and development and are drafting reports to be sent home.

Please be reminded that the festival day, Friday June 21st is pupil free, to allow the staff to prepare the grounds.

A run sheet for the evening will be sent home in the coming days via school stream.

We very much look forward to welcoming you and your family into the winter mood.


Warm Regards,


“Throughout the year we fulfil the common tasks and duties of daily life and at the times of a festival we turn our attention to the links which bind us with eternity.

And although daily life is fraught with many a struggle, at these times a feeling awakens within us that above all the strife and turmoil there is peace and harmony”.

                                                                                                                                                                                       Rudolf Steiner

Music with Rae-Lee

Evening rise

Darkness comes

Sun goes down when the day is done

Mother Earth

Awakens me

With the heartbeat of the sea

The spirit of song carries all into a mood of reverence and quiet anticipation as we await the coming of the longest night and shortest day of the year (June 21st).

Looking forward to singing together as a community as we carry our light into the darkness of the evening and our warmth into the coolness of the night.

Good night

Stars our light

Darkness guard us through the night

In preparation for our time together, the children have begun singing these two simple songs and can likely share them with you prior to the night. Please ask them to teach you!

Sincerely, Rae-Lee

P&F Complimentary Yoga and Sound Healing

Yoga and sound healing will be taking place again this evening Tuesday 4th June. Please contact the office should you like to put your name down.  

Carbunup River Playgroup

We have been having a cosy term with plenty of baking, painting and crafts activities. The welcome influx of rain has seen the lawn refreshed and the water tank topped up, and has enlivened the children’s play. There has been lots of digging and ‘soup’ making in the playground, and everyone is feeling relieved that the cooler weather has finally arrived. 

Together with the coming of the rains, we have been telling the story of Tiddalik, that great big greedy frog who drank up all the water in the waterhole, and who had to be made to laugh so that the water could return to the land.

As we spiral in towards the shortest day of the year, the little cubbie spaces inside the hall are gratefully used as cosy reading nooks for parents and children. We all look forward to our Midwinter week to round off the Djeran/Makuru term xxx

 Love from Mindy and Victoria 

Handwork with Victoria

In Class 1, we have embarked on our exciting knitting journey, after having put the finishing touches to the handmade knitting needles and rolling some wool yarn. Our first project is making a recorder bag, and some children have launched themselves into the task with great enthusiasm. For others, the technical skill of handling the knitting needles is a bit more challenging. But they’re discovering that with persistence and some welcome help from some Class 5 and Class 6 buddies they are capable of creating a beautiful piece of work, and are slowly getting into the rhythm of ‘in through the front door, run around the back, peeping through the window, off jumps Jack’ !

 We also enjoy other little activities such as bread baking, clay work and some painting – all these help to build fine motor skills and focus, and balance out the intricacies of the knitting project.

In Class 3, the children are also in full swing with their knitting. Nearly all the children have now finished their rainbow ball, and are starting on their knitted doll. It is heartwarming to see the more proficient knitters helping others, and this peer-teaching also strengthens the already solid bond between the children in this wonderful class!

In Class 6, we have come to the end of the cross stitch- and embroidery projects, and have started on the dollmaking. This has already resulted in some excellent finished products (see photos), although it looks as if the intended Roman legionnaires have morphed into representations of family members and marauding Celts!  Staying flexible in Arts and Crafts projects is an advisable trait, and leaves valuable space for the creative impulse to take flight.

Kindergarten Winter Festivities

The children and staff in our kindergartens are busy in their preparations for the upcoming winter festival festivities.

Lanterns are being created. A process remembered from previous years and returned to with increasing skills or enjoyed for the first time alongside a trusted adult.

Songs begin to drift in and out of our day, as we go about our work, as we wait for quiet to settle in the room and as treasured stories come alive in our rooms.


I have a little lantern house, made with love and care.

I need a little candlelight, for inside it is bare.

We journey inwards slowly inwards through the longest night.

To find the spark within our heart to fill the house with light.

We journey outwards, slowly outwards lanterns show the way.

Shining bright from darkest night we come to greet the day.


Come winter

Come winter there’s a cold wind blowing, over the frost in the early morn,

when sun turns pale, and the wind turns to gale, and the trees bend under the wind,

If they don’t give way, they will break so they say, but their seeds will grow again

Mother Earth is keeping her secrets inside, till next spring morning’s day, Mother Earth is keeping her secrets inside, till next spring morning’s day.


Winter’s sleeping

Candle burning bright, guide us through the Winter’s night,

Mother Earth has gone to sleep, animals into their homes they creep.

Warmed by the fire tucked into bed, sung to by angels we lay down our heads,

candle burning bright, guide us through the Winter’s night.      

Wattle Tree

Wattle tree oh wattle tree, will you lend me pray,

a little shining lantern to guide me on my way?

So will you give your lantern that I may share the light,

to find the hidden pathways in the darkness of the night?


I go with my little lantern.

I go with my little lantern, my lantern is going with me

In heaven the stars are shining, shining for you and for me

The lights go dim I go now in a bibble a bobble a boe

The lights go dim I go now in a bibble a bobble a boe

For the kindergarten children, all this careful preparation culminates in the walking of our winter spiral during the last week of term.

Look out for details and invitations for families to come and participate in these festivities.

Information Evening for Kindergarten and New Parents.

We are holding an information evening to introduce this festival to you so that you can share this special experience with your children. The evening will be run by Jacqui, our education facilitator, and our two kindergarten teachers Charlie and 6pm in the Dolphin Room on Thursday the 6th of June.

Class 3 Honey Fundraiser

Honey is now jarred and available for Class 3’s Fundraising – only 50 jars remaining so first in best dressed!  Please email Jennie on for orders and details.

Soup Day Roster

Community Notices

(Please note – the events and views in these Community Notices are not sponsored by YSS and do not necessarily reflect the views of the School.)

Rest and Restore

Winter Deep Rest

Winter can be a time to get cosy, enjoy quiet time, reflect, but also a time for nuturing selfcare, rest and healing.

This Winter U-YOGA is offering restorative yoga & yoga Nidra sessions, which are beautiful gentle practices of deep rest and healing.

Classes are held monthly Sunday afternoon.

For more information, dates and bookings visit 

Or email me at 

Busselton Dental Mobile


Phone: 0417 269 232        Email:

The mobile dental therapy centre (DTC) will be moving to Dunsborough Primary School as part of its rotation around the area.

For emergency advice, 8:30am – 3.30pm weekdays, contact 0417 269 232 and leave a message if staff are unable to answer your call.

For emergency advice outside of these hours please contact your family dentist or the emergency advice line 1800 098818

Students in pre-primary and new students have been offered enrolment with the service. Please return completed forms as soon as possible. Appointments will be arranged for examinations and those with outstanding treatment and patients waitlisted for an examination will be offered appointments when we have appointments available. There is no need to contact us unless you require emergency advice. We will contact you when your child comes to the top of the recall waitlist.

High schoolers will be offered appointments at Mill Road DTC at Busselton Hospital site when they get to the top of recall waitlist.


  • Brush 2x a day and Floss 1 x daily
  • Help your child each night to remove all plaque before bed.
  • Use a pea sized amount of adult toothpaste once the adult teeth start erupting behind the baby molars at approximately 5-7yrs old. Encourage your child to spit out and not swallow or eat the toothpaste.
  • Spit don’t rinse following brushing.
  • When thirsty drink water, no juices, energy, soft drinks or other products.
  • Reduce sugars. It’s everywhere!! Lollies, biscuits, muesli bars, sauces, and drinks. Have an allocated “Treat time/day .” Saves saying no. Try “Yes but on………”
  • Consider a visit to your family dentist, if able, from age 2 years old on a regular basis. You may be eligible for $1037 over 2yrs with the Child Dental Benefits Scheme, if you have family tax A or a concession card. Check your Medicare account on MyGov for eligibility. Check your family dentist accepts the scheme and how it works with them.

If you have any concerns or queries email us at

The Dental Team

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We are now accepting enrolments for our 2025 Kindergarten program for 5-year-olds.