Creative powers of the soul Strive from the heart's deep ground That all the God-given powers in life Ignite for rightful deeds, Shaping the soul In love and labour for humanity.

Upcoming Events Term 3

Monday 15th July

  • C3&4 Bushwalking

Tuesday 16th July


Wednesday 17th July

  • Soup Day: Brooke & Leona
  • C5&6 Bushwalking
  • Class 5 Parent Meeting 5:30pm
  • Complimentary Yoga  5:30pm-6:30pm in Hall

Thursday 18th July


Friday 19th July

  • K6 C1 and C2 Bush Walking

Monday 22nd July

  • C3&4 Bushwalking
  • C6 Parent Teacher Meeting 4:30pm

Tuesday 23rd July


Wednesday 24th July

  • Soup Day: Bonnie & Sharlee
  • C5&6 Bushwalking
  • Complimentary Yoga  5:30pm-6:30pm in Hall

Thursday 25th July

  • C1-C6 Incursion  9:30am : Yirra Yakin Boodjar Kaatjin

Friday 26th July

  • K6, C1 and C2 Bush Walking

Monday 29th July

  • C3&4 Bushwalking

Tuesday 30thJuly


Wednesday 31st July

  • Soup Day: Caitlyn & Victoria
  • C5&6 Bushwalking
  • Complimentary Yoga  5:30pm-6:30pm in Hall

Thursday 1st August


Friday 2nd August

  • K6, C1 and C2 Bush Walking

Monday 5th August

  • C3&4 Bushwalking

Tuesday 6th August


Wednesday 7th August

  • Soup Day: Mandy & Jo
  • C5&6 Bushwalking
  • Complimentary Yoga  5:30pm-6:30pm in Hall

Thursday 8th August


Friday 9th August

  • K6, C1 and C2 Bush Walking

Monday 12th August

  • C3&4 Bushwalking

Tuesday 13th August


Wednesday 14th August

  • Soup Day: Heather & Jemma
  • C5&6 Bushwalking
  • Complimentary Yoga  5:30pm-6:30pm in Hall

Thursday 15th August


Friday 16th August

  • K6, C1 and C2 Bush Walking

Monday 19th August

  • C3&4 Bushwalking

Tuesday 20th August


Wednesday 21st August

  • Soup Day: Emma & Salinda
  • C5&6 Bushwalking
  • Complimentary Yoga  5:30pm-6:30pm in Hall

Thursday 22nd August


Friday 23rd August

  • K6, C1 and C2 Bush Walking

Monday 26th August

  • C3&4 Bushwalking

Tuesday 27th August


Wednesday 28th August

  • Soup Day: Tia & Rachel
  • C5&6 Bushwalking
  • Complimentary Yoga  5:30pm-6:30pm in Hall

Thursday 29th August


Friday 30th August

  • K6, C1 and C2 Bush Walking

Monday 2nd September  

  • C3&4 Bushwalking

Tuesday 3rd September 


Wednesday 4th September 

  • Soup Day: Maree & Jodie
  • C5&6 Bushwalking
  • Complimentary Yoga  5:30pm-6:30pm in Hall

Thursday 5th September


Friday 6th September

  • K6, C1 and C2 Bush Walking

Monday 9th September  


Tuesday 10th September 


Wednesday 11th September 

  • Soup Day: Serena & Molly
  • Complimentary Yoga  5:30pm-6:30pm in Hall

Thursday 12th September

  • Class 5 Greek Olympics Excursion

Friday 13th September

  • Greek Olympics at PWS

Monday 16th September  


Tuesday 17th September 


Wednesday 18th September 

  • Spring Festival
  • Last day of Term 3 

Welcome Back to Term 3

Welcome back to all our students, both new and returning! In this edition, we reflect on our winter festival and bid farewell to a long-standing staff member.

Dearest YSS Community,

In April of this year I was faced with what I found to be an incredibly difficult decision~ whether or not I was to return to my position as Craft teacher, (and possibly the Wellbeing officer) after 12 month’s leave from my work. I took the 12 months leave last year in order to better support my youngest daughter, who has epilepsy and, at that time, an 18 month old baby. This little man is now 2 and a half years old, and the apple of his Nonna’s eye.

The level of support required for Bree and my grandson is quite high, and I realised that I couldn’t resume my teaching duties plus continue in my carer’s position.
However, I was helped in my decision by knowing I was leaving the school in a good place. We had recently moved to the Republican model of leadership, for which I had advocated for some years. This model takes the ‘hierarchy’ out of leadership and gives the teachers themselves the opportunity to lead the school.

I look back over the 36+ years since myself, Mahdu Anderson, and Julie Williams founded YSS, and it gives me huge satisfaction to see how far our school has come.
We have a wonderful team of dedicated teachers, a very supportive admin team, a dynamic board with terrific leadership and a gorgeous community of committed parents.

One of the hardest things for me was leaving the classroom and these amazing children in our care. I value so much their vibrant personalities, loving hearts and creativity.  We have had over the years an incredibly talented cohort of students who have, over the years I have worked in the school, taken the Steiner craft and art  projects to a new level. The focus was always to produce work that was good, true and beautiful, and  in this the children excelled.

I will always be dedicated to the Steiner philosophy and YSS and I am keen for my connection with the school to continue.  I have offered my skills and services for future PD’s for our staff, and I hope also to offer craft and art workshops for the parents in the near future. I recently did a small wet felting workshop for a staff member, and I loved being actively involved again in an area where I can offer my experience and skills.

Another connection will be through grandchildren attending the school. Bree was a pioneer student (Adrian was her teacher) so we are now a second generation family, joining other past students  who have returned with their children.

The College of teachers has suggested a tribute to my teaching legacy in the school in the form of an exhibition of student art/ craft work sometime this year, and I would love to be a part of something like this. I hope to see you all then, if not before.

Meanwhile, I send you all my love  and my immense thankfulness for the journey so far~

Annie Malcolm

P&F Complimentary Yoga and Sound Healing-Wednesdays

This terms yoga and sound healing will now be taking place on a Wednesday at the same time of 5:30-6:30pm Please contact the office should you like to put your name down.

Class 3 Honey Fundraiser

Honey is now jarred and available for Class 3’s Fundraising – only 40 jars remaining so first in best dressed!  Please email Jennie on for orders and details.

Soup Day Roster

Community Notices

(Please note – the events and views in these Community Notices are not sponsored by YSS and do not necessarily reflect the views of the School.)

Rest and Restore

Winter Deep Rest

Winter can be a time to get cosy, enjoy quiet time, reflect, but also a time for nuturing selfcare, rest and healing.

This Winter U-YOGA is offering restorative yoga & yoga Nidra sessions, which are beautiful gentle practices of deep rest and healing.

Classes are held monthly Sunday afternoon.

For more information, dates and bookings visit 

Or email me at 

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We are now accepting enrolments for our 2025 Kindergarten program for 5-year-olds.