The power of thought grows stronger United with the Spirit's birth, It brightens all the silent charms of sense To brightest glory. If fulness of the soul seeks union with the world's rebirth, Then on the world of sense The light of thought must fall.

Upcoming Events Term 3

Monday 12th August

  • C3&4 Bushwalking

Tuesday 13th August


Wednesday 14th August

  • Soup Day: Heather & Bonnie 
  • C5&6 Bushwalking
  • Complimentary Yoga  5:30pm-6:30pm in Hall

Thursday 15th August

  • Class 2 Teacher Parent Mtg 5:30pm

Friday 16th August

  • K6, C1 and C2 Bush Walking

Monday 19th August

  • C3&4 Bushwalking

Tuesday 20th August


Wednesday 21st August

  • C4, 5 & 6 Excursion to BREC 
  • Soup Day: Emma & Salinda
  • C5&6 Bushwalking
  • Complimentary Yoga  5:30pm-6:30pm in Hall

Thursday 22nd August


Friday 23rd August

  • K6, C1 and C2 Bush Walking

Monday 26th August

  • C3&4 Bushwalking

Tuesday 27th August


Wednesday 28th August

  • Soup Day: Tia & Rachel
  • C5&6 Bushwalking
  • Complimentary Yoga  5:30pm-6:30pm in Hall

Thursday 29th August


Friday 30th August

  • K6, C1 and C2 Bush Walking
  • P&F Raffle Drawn

Monday 2nd September  

  • C3&4 Bushwalking

Tuesday 3rd September 


Wednesday 4th September 

  • Soup Day: Maree & Jodie
  • C5&6 Bushwalking
  • Complimentary Yoga  5:30pm-6:30pm in Hall

Thursday 5th September


Friday 6th September

  • K6, C1 and C2 Bush Walking

Monday 9th September  


Tuesday 10th September 


Wednesday 11th September 

  • Soup Day: Serena & Molly
  • Complimentary Yoga  5:30pm-6:30pm in Hall

Thursday 12th September

  • Class 5 Greek Olympics Excursion

Friday 13th September

  • Greek Olympics at PWS

Monday 16th September  


Tuesday 17th September 

  • Incursion C1-C6 

Wednesday 18th September 

  • Spring Festival
  • Last day of Term 3 

Week 5

Dear families,

                        I sincerely hope that good health is making its way into your homes following what has been a somewhat testing time with colds and flu lurking about.

Thankyou for keeping your children at home during periods of illness, we know that it can bring your working worlds to a standstill and make for complicated arrangements to manage. There is nothing more comforting for a child who is unwell however, to have the safety and quiet opportunity to rest within the comforts of home.

On a positive note, there is still a great deal happening here at school with teachers banding together to support the management of illness amongst staff.

I have witnessed plenty of silver linings for student relationships and opportunities as classes have joined together and little changes to programmes bringing novelty. I have certainly enjoyed the chance to jump into classes and relieve teachers. It is always nice to have an opportunity to build my personal connections with students and gain firsthand understandings of their classroom experience. Knowing all of the children is probably the thing I appreciate most about working in a small school.

Today I had the pleasure of attending a Japanese lesson alongside one of our classes. Thanks to our Sensei (Michelle Gabelich), I took the place of student and gained many new understandings about the language and its evolution over time. Sensei skilfully drew on her personal experience alongside the children’s interests to deliver the content. I had the pleasure of observing the way in which an engaging and varied lesson can bring students into a state of intense focus and deliver an obvious experience of self-worth and appreciation.

Rudolf Steiner was clear in his instruction to teachers that the content must bring life to teachers inwardly: 

“We must relate ourselves directly to life and anything we’re going to introduce in our teaching in school should sustain and uphold us inwardly, should truly enliven us. It is for this reason that no true teaching can ever be boring.”

Teaching is an ongoing commitment to maintaining a positive and curious immersion with the world, whilst also developing a deepening awareness of everyone’s unique experience.

The promotion of healthy habits in our students comes largely from the examples lived and delivered by our teachers day in and day out. So, thank you for supporting their efforts as parents and guardians. It is appreciated by all of us.

Census Collection Notice

2025 Term Dates

P&F Raffle

The P&F Raffle is off to a fantastic start! 

A huge thank you to all the amazing families who have already sold their tickets and even asked for more! Your enthusiasm is truly inspiring.

All raffle books have now been sent home. Let’s make this the most successful fundraiser ever by selling all our allocated tickets. Remember, each ticket is just $5.

Mark Your Calendars: The raffle will be drawn on 30th August, and the lucky winners will be announced in the school newsletter.

If you’re unable to sell your tickets, please return them to the office promptly so they can be redistributed.

Thank you for your incredible support, and good luck to everyone! 

P&F Complimentary Yoga

Handcraft with Victoria

CLASS 1 is in the middle of knitting their little chicks, and some of the children have even finished sewing up the shape. With the help of our trusty Class 5 buddies, the children have soared ahead, enjoying the one-on-one attention.

As a small interim project, the children also sewed little felt gnomes, which were promptly included in their free play time at the end of each lesson. 


The CLASS 3 children are still hard at work on their knitted dolls, and have now all finished their rainbow ball. In order to provide some variety in their crafting experiences, they also sewed some felt gnomes, but a little different from those in Class 1, and a bit more challenging.  We have also felted up some wool balls in readiness for the embroidery that they will engage in once their knitted dolls are finished. Together with breadbaking and some free play at the end of the sessions, we are enjoying the cold winter afternoons together.

The CLASS 6 children have finished making their stand-up dolls, and are now embarking on some crafty preparations for Father’s Day – all to be revealed!

We are all very grateful for the new aircon system in the little heritage room, as it was getting quite cold in there towards the end of last term. Warmth is such an important ingredient for the healthy developing of the child’s body – and not just for the younger child. The warmth in the room helps muscles to relax, the metabolic system to function better, and creativity to unfold in more imaginary ways.

Class 1 Nyitting Stories

For the first three weeks of term, Class 1 have focused on Nyitting Stories – stories from the Dreaming. We have listened to, retold, illustrated, composed and written key sentences from Dreaming stories from Wadandi Boodjar, Whadjuk Noongar Boodjar and further afield. The children have been deeply engaged with these complex stories which gently impart moral and ethical wisdom as well as deep understandings of the land. The children have also become familiar with many Noongar words for local fauna. You may hear them talking about the Waugal (rainbow serpent), koolbardi (magpie), yonka (kangaroo), weitj (emu) or djenark (seagull).

The children have been practicing their emerging literacy skills in a variety of meaningful contexts, including games, weekend writing, and our shared compositions which will eventually become a class book. The theme of this term’s class book is my pet budgies. The children have been very intrigued! Banana and Chit-Chat came to visit for a whole day. They inspired children’s writing and the creation of some beautiful drawings.

After a rocky start with many class members (including myself) away due to illness, we are now deep into our new main lesson, exploring numbers and sums.


Class 3 Honey Fundraiser

We still have a few jars of delicious honey left.  Please email Jennie on for orders and details.

Soup Day Roster

Community Notices

(Please note – the events and views in these Community Notices are not sponsored by YSS and do not necessarily reflect the views of the School.)

Donnelly River Family Led Camp

Rest and Restore

Winter Deep Rest

Winter can be a time to get cosy, enjoy quiet time, reflect, but also a time for nuturing selfcare, rest and healing.

This Winter U-YOGA is offering restorative yoga & yoga Nidra sessions, which are beautiful gentle practices of deep rest and healing.

Classes are held monthly Sunday afternoon.

For more information, dates and bookings visit 

Or email me at 

Vac Swim October Holidays

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We are now accepting enrolments for our 2025 Kindergarten program for 5-year-olds.