Out of the womb of worlds Awakening the play of sense, There strives to rise the Joy of New Becoming. O, let it find my power of thinking Well armoured with those godlike powers That live in strength within me. Rudolf Steiner Archive

Upcoming Events Term 3

Monday 26th August

  • C3&4 Bushwalking

Tuesday 27th August


Wednesday 28th August

  • P&F Priority Meeting to Sustain the Spring Fair 2pm school hall.
  • Soup Day: Tia & Rachel
  • C5&6 Bushwalking
  • Complimentary Yoga  5:30pm-6:30pm in Hall

Thursday 29th August


Friday 30th August

  • K6, C1 and C2 Bush Walking
  • P&F Raffle Drawn

Monday 2nd September  

  • C3&4 Bushwalking

Tuesday 3rd September 


Wednesday 4th September 

  • Soup Day: Maree & Jodie
  • C5&6 Bushwalking
  • Complimentary Yoga  5:30pm-6:30pm in Hall

Thursday 5th September


Friday 6th September

  • K6, C1 and C2 Bush Walking

Monday 9th September  


Tuesday 10th September 


Wednesday 11th September 

  • Soup Day: Serena & Molly
  • Complimentary Yoga  5:30pm-6:30pm in Hall

Thursday 12th September

  • Class 5 Greek Olympics Excursion

Friday 13th September

  • Greek Olympics at PWS

Monday 16th September  


Tuesday 17th September 

  • Incursion C1-C6 

Wednesday 18th September 

  • Spring Festival
  • Last day of Term 3 

Week 7

Dear families,

                                Here we are, coming to the end of August already, another school holiday period not more than a few weeks away!

Having spent the morning teaching in the classroom and being in the playground, I am drawn to the contemplation of imagination and the inherent power that it contains as an educative tool, a motivator for life and an inward reflection of the human being’s place in the world.

In Rudolf Steiner’s wide commentaries around the human being’s quest for knowledge he wrote much about imagination for adults pursuing self-understanding.

In the context of education for children and the natural inclination to play imaginatively we see the way in which the seeds of creative thought bring joy, interaction and energy to lessons and the playground. It is such a pleasure to join children in their hunt for fairy floss fungi growing on the bricks, to add to their tea party tables and to discuss the dreams held inside middle school students as they contemplate the possibilities of their adult lives…to be an architect, to sail in the Olympics, to own a cat…how wonderful!

The opportunity to create an environment into which students may sit in wonder and create new ways of tackling familiar math problems can be a revelatory experience. The list of ways in which teachers in Steiner schools consciously hold the awareness of the imaginative power grounded in practical experience is the artistry to which the global faculty aspire.

Your children are very fortunate to have the opportunity to learn in this way. It is inquisitive, engaging, challenging, fun, frustrating at times (not served on a plate) and most of all alive and relevant to their inner world.

All this is aimed at providing students with ways in which they may relate to the world, and those within it, well into the years ahead of their primary school days.

Make it a great day,


P&F Raffle

With only 4 days remaining until the raffle is drawn it is time sell those last few raffle tickets and get them back to school.
The P&F would like to thank you all for the effort you have gone to in making this a successful fundraiser.
The raffle draw will take place on Friday August 30th, and the lucky winners will be announced here in the school newsletter.
Thank you for your tremendous support, and good luck to everyone!

Eurythmy This Year

I hear the busy buzz of children shuffling and getting in line outside the hall. 

There is a faint knock, and I open the door to a neat line of eager faces.  Eurythmy shoes are on, and their hands are turned upwards in a gesture of carrying imaginary cups of tea above their shoulders.

We begin spiralling in or stepping to the rhythm of a lively piece of music or attempting a tricky foot and hand pattern to a melody, depending on the age of the class. The piano music leads us in until a circle is formed,

An eagle circle is very big, a pukeko (waterfowl) circle is closer together and a Mardo circle is tiny and very close together.

A circle with equal spacing between each child, quietly resting and waiting is formed, ready for our morning verse.

Sometimes I have a good-natured game, I start to count. The quickest group to make a circle so far has been finished in 4 counts!

A different verse for each class is spoken by myself and the class follow me using the Eurythmy gestures for the vowels and consonants.

So we begin. 

We commence with some waking up exercises, some body geography, funny nursery rhymes, counting and clapping games. 

All great for building brain connections. Left and right feet and hands are taken charge of moving with a group. The children soon learn that they can’t make the forms without each other, and we need to know our left and right! Students have a responsibility to perform their part while always thinking “what comes next” in the form, so they move organically and rhythmically, while being aware of their neighbours and partners. Who crosses in front, who stands still? lots of fun and laughter to be had. 

The forms are learnt and moved to carefully selected music beautifully played on the piano by Anna Bogachova. We are so fortunate to have such an accomplished pianist to work with. Thank you Anna for your patience and commitment to our Eurythmy programme.

So, what is Eurythmy and why do we bring it to the children?

Eurythmy is an artistic form of movement that Rudolf Steiner and his wife Marie developed 100 years ago. A dear friend of Rudolf Steiner asked what her daughter, Lori Smits (1893-1971) could study that involved movement.

Rudolf Steiner set to work developing a new impulse that Marie Steiner named “Eurythmy” (harmonious movement). Lori became the first Eurythmist and worked tirelessly teaching and performing Eurythmy.

In Eurythmy the whole body, soul and spirit are engaged and is brought into harmony with their life force. For this reason, Eurythmy and Waldorf education are inextricably entwined.

Doing Eurythmy builds life force, it helps us feel at home in our body. The way we move has a similarity to Qui Gong as this is also a mindful movement as is Eurythmy. Our gestures stream through us and beyond our fingertips filling up the hall. We can also receive and stream inward, for example, we can imagine streaming from our heart out to the sun and then taking the light from the sun and streaming that light back from the sun into our heart. Eurythmy develops good posture from the inside and gives a joyful sense of strength, harmony and wellbeing.   

When we are confident in forming the gestures for the vowels and consonants we can become artists in our movement. We can learn to be more fluid and to make quick changes of direction. 

Moving from Class 1 through to class 6 the activities progress in difficulty of complexity.

I begin moving the younger groups in simple circles straight lines and curves using lots of imaginative pictures. As the curriculum develops with the grades, I am inspired by the epochs and character each teacher is working with.  

Class 2 we can split the simple circle into 2 circles, learn to contract our circle and expand at the same time. Spiral around our partners and move to different rhythms e.g. trotting, skipping, galloping and 3-fold walking (Eurythmy walking)

Class 3 we explore quick changes in Celtic dancing moves. 

Class 4 the Norse mythology calls for strong steady steps to form Asgard’s wall, crown forms, pentagrams and stepping to words in sentences with alliteration.

Class 5 we attempt continuous forms, where the class is facing forward, no longer held by the circle. The harmonious 8, 6 pointed stars, lots of rod work and more complex contractions expansion forms. 

Class 5 and 6 share Greek rhythms, iambic (short, long, short, long) or anapest (short, short, long) 

Class 6 more precise counting and moving of all the geometric forms and continuous forms.

We count beat and melody with our step and pitch up and down our spine by moving our arms down to low pitch and up to the high pitch.

Eagerly we move together. A community of movement.

At the end of the lesson, we come back to our circle still and quiet. 

Or sometimes we listen to a piece of classical music. 

Class 2 has been enjoying the carnival of the animals. The Swan, The Lion. 

Swan Lake is a favourite.

As our class comes to an end we thank each other for the class and lead out to music.

I work to develop and support a respectful space where the children can work together to be successful. That they can stand on their own and also be part of the group.

We all enjoy the accomplishment of a new form or sequence. 

I feel so fortunate to be able to bring this beautiful work to the children.

Kind regards


(Eurythmy inspired movement)

Carbunup River Playgroup

We are in the midst of a wild and woolly but cosy crafting term. In amongst the usual bread- and pizza baking, wet-on-wet painting and other age-appropriate activities, the parents have embarked on embroidering a wool ball similar to the ones shown here. After some initial hesitation in view of wielding needle and thread, everyone is now in full swing of the chain stitch patterns in free-form, and are starting to really enjoy the long term project. We also stitched some little felt gnomes, a real winter activity to complement one of the stories at playgroup about a gnome who is in search of his own home.

With the recent bout of flu going around, we have had some very small groups at Playgroup, but it’s encouraging to see that  families are choosing to keep their little ones at home when they display any signs of illness… The wet weather has caused a lot of our sessions to be held entirely indoors, and this is where our big Carbunup Hall space really shines, with plenty of nooks and crannies to curl up in with a book. We also enjoy many visits from older siblings who simply need a little break from the school routine, and they always enjoy being with the littlies. They seem to regain some of their earlier childhood, and love helping out. It’s always really lovely to have the older children visit, especially when they have themselves been at playgroup when they were little.

 Love from Mindy and Victoria 

Class 3 Visit to Ellensbrook/ Mokidup

As an extension to their building lesson, the class visited Ellensbrook/ Mokidup, a registered Aboriginal heritage site and the first European settlement in the Margaret River area. 

During the tour of the homestead and grounds, the students learned how the unique landscape provided shelter, water, and food for the Wadandi people for thousands of years and later for Ellen and Alfred Bussel and their farm. The children could experience how the homestead was built using only local materials like hand-split wood, paperbark, and limestone. 

The day continued with the 4.5 km Ellensbrook loop walk, past Meekadarribee and back along the coast, where we stopped for an extended play at the mouth of the brook. 

Paul Lange.


Soup Day Roster

Community Notices

(Please note – the events and views in these Community Notices are not sponsored by YSS and do not necessarily reflect the views of the School.)

Job Vacancy: Helena River Steiner School


1.0 FTE    (or 0.8 FTE job share)    TERM 1 2025 START 

Helena River Steiner School is a small, co-educational Steiner school located in Hazelmere, Western Australia. 

We offer a Steiner education from Kindergarten to high school, based on the nationally accredited  Australian Steiner Curriculum Framework (ASCF). Our aim is to create a school where the Core Principles for Australian Steiner Schools permeate its pedagogical, physical and social fabric through the thinking, feeling and willing actions of its employees and community members. 

For this position we seek a dynamic and dedicated primary teacher, able to bring the richness of the Steiner curriculum to life in a creative manner, and who will actively support the School’s aims to foster a developmental, balanced and global approach to teaching and learning. Ideally, the teacher will continue with the class through its primary journey.  

For details, please see our advertisement here: 


To apply for this position, email your CV and a covering letter outlining your suitability for the role to the Principal at:principal@hrss.wa.edu.au           

Rest and Restore

Winter Deep Rest

Winter can be a time to get cosy, enjoy quiet time, reflect, but also a time for nuturing selfcare, rest and healing.

This Winter U-YOGA is offering restorative yoga & yoga Nidra sessions, which are beautiful gentle practices of deep rest and healing.

Classes are held monthly Sunday afternoon.

For more information, dates and bookings visit


Or email me at 


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We are now accepting enrolments for our 2025 Kindergarten program for 5-year-olds.